Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Journey to Dreamland

Dreams are similar to hallucinations in that they are not usually caused by sense impressions.

To be sure, a toothache or indigestion may affect the form of the dream, but it will not determine the content of the dream.

While the duration of a dream is a matter of dispute among scientists, many believe that even the most image-crowded dream lasts but a few seconds.

All dreams occur in living color.

What gives the dream its restorative power?

Little is known for certain about the dream world, but Freud believed that dreams provide a safety valve for suppressed desires, and that dreams actually protect sleep by draining off the emotional turmoil that would otherwise cause a person to wake up.

So many of us have so much trouble getting to sleep in the first place that nearly half a billion dollars are spent annually in the United States on sleeping pills.

An Apollo spacecraft develops more power on lift-off than all the automobiles in England put together.

The longest street in the world that runs through the same city is Figueroa Street, in Los Angeles, which runs north and south through the city for a distance of 30 miles.

If upon their arrival in Bethlehem the Three Wise Men had invested one dollar at four percent interest, their account would now be worth a quantity of gold 100,000 times the size of the earth.

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